Working together in our community

Sharing Grief’s Journey

Your Journey from Mourning to Joy!
It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member or friend, you’ve probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.

That’s the reason for this seminar-support group, for people grieving the loss of someone close. This group is sponsored by people who understand what you are experiencing and want to offer you comfort and encouragement during this difficult time.

Here are some topics covered:

-When Your Dreams Fall Apart
-The Seasons of Grief
-Where is God?
-Growing Through Grief

Sponsored by the Battlefords Ministerial Association.

For more information about Sharing Grief’s Journey, please contact Sue @ 306-441-5441 or Denise @ 306-441-3338.


Living Water Ministries

Pastor Brian Arcand is the leader of  Living Water Ministries. The vision of LWM is to share the gospel (good news) to all first nations people in and surrounding the Battlefords. The message (good news) is Jesus Christ died for their sins and only through Jesus Christ can their sins be forgiven.

Some of the services offered by this ministry are: wake services, street ministries, hospital visits, correctional center visits, assisting the needy and one-on-one visits. Sunday evening services are done in both the Cree and English languages.

Sunday Afternoon Service every Sunday @ 3pm (with Cree translations)

Battlefords District Food and Resource Centre

Battlefords District Food and Resource Centre is a non-profit, registered charity devoted to the Christmas campaign and to operating a year-round community food bank.

For more information, please go to
